4 Ways to Create a Post Baby Workout Routine


At some point in every new mom’s life, she begins to feel the need to enter the “real world” again (this looks differently now that we are in the midst of a global pandemic). The first few months revolve around feedings, naps, and diaper changes. Waiting in the adoption pool is a great time to start a workout regime, or to think through how your workout routine can be adapted once you become a parent. Take this time to find a workout that works for you and that you can easily modify once you have your sweet babe in your arms.

For me, starting a workout routine was one of the first things post baby, I felt I needed most. Working out while also caring for an infant, looks a little different. No more Cycle Bar and Bikram Yoga. Like most things in a new mama’s life, the workout routine needs to be modified.


I struggled after the arrival of my first child. The loss of routine and sleep, took its toll. Looking back, I realize that I was suffering from severe postpartum anxiety. While awaiting the arrival of my 3rd baby, I made a point to have a workout routine ready, so that I could get back on a schedule and prioritize self care this time around.

Not only is a solid workout a great way to stay in shape, It also helps to ward off things like postpartum depression and anxiety (yes, adoptive mamas can deal with this too), as well as gives you the little energy bump you need to make it through dinner prep and bedtime routines. A word of warning though, if you’re feeling extra rundown and not sleeping well, it’s important to show your body grace. A hardcore HIIT workout will only tax an already exhausted body more. A good gauge is to see how you’re feeling 1-3 hours post workout. If you’re not feeling the post workout endorphins and you’re feeling extra tired, probably a good idea to scale back the workout in the future.

Now to the fun stuff…

  1. Walking, running and jogging are fantastic ways to get your heart pumping, while also soothing baby into a sweet sleep. Keep in mind, each stroller manufacture has specific guidelines when it comes to jogging with baby. If using a stroller car seat attachment, it makes the stroller top heavy and more prone to tipping. Finding a walking partner is a great way to connect with other new moms.


2. Many local yoga studios offer, Mom & Baby yoga. This is a great way to meet other mamas, bond with your sweet babe, and get a little sweat going. The pandemic has changed studio policies, but many studios offer streaming services.


3. After the birth of my daughter, I was longing for some normalcy. I came across local chapters of Baby Bootcamp and Stroller Strides. Both offered a fantastic body weight workouts focused on engaging the children. A highlight for me was the couples classes on the weekend. It was so fun to see my athletic husband get his butt kicked at my “mommy” workout.


4. Sometimes we are just too tired or don’t have time for a class. In a pinch, I strap my baby into my Ergo 360 and do a “weighted” workout. This is great for leg day. Squats and lunges are more effective with an extra few pounds strapped on. Band work can also easily be done with a babe strapped on. Check out YouTube and Instagram for mom and baby friendly workouts, specific to your fitness level.

Creating a workout routine and staying in shape, doesn’t need to be a full time commitment., and can be a fun way to productively pass the time while waiting. Finding what works for you and your future baby is the most important thing.


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